1. What is verilog?
2. When Verilog came into existence?
3. Explain the differences between ? : and if - else
4. always @(posedge clk)
always@ (posedge clk)
For b = 3 and c = 5, after the first @ (posedge clk) what is the value of a?
5. Consider the following code:
`define FALSE 0
`define TRUE 1
a = `FALSE;
a <= `TRUE;
if (a == `TRUE)
$display ("True");
$display ("False");
What will print out? True or False?
6. What is the advantage of using Gray code instead of Binary code while designing FIFO.
7. Write the Verilog Code for the Binary to Gray and Gray to Binary.
8. Explain the differences between blocking and non blocking statements
9. Explain the differences between tasks and functions
10. When and Where files are used?
11. What are PLI's"
12. What is a random function?
13. Explain the differences between initial and always statements?
14. Explain the differences between $monitor, $display and $stobe
15. What are different ways of coding fsm's